
Internationale Artikel über meine Arbeit in renommierten Magazinen.

Fotograf Mohammad Vogue
Interview Mohammad jafari
MOB Magazin

The Art of Rebellion

Das renommierte englische Modemagazin „Rebel“ hat ein Interview mit mir veröffentlicht.

How long have you been a photographer? What pushed you on this path in the beginning?

I have been a photographer since 2015. My journey began with training as a media designer in image and sound at HOFA GmbH in Germany. Initially, I wanted to work there because I made music and wanted to produce songs. However, in the marketing department, my then-boss discovered my talent in photography and entrusted me with leading….



Unsere Arbeit wurde in einem der renommiertesten kanadischen Magazine veröffentlicht und in Montreal im Printformat gedruckt.

Life unfolds in its wildness, embodying strength and beauty in every form. It dispels our fear of being our authentic selves, becoming a living example of our true nature. Those who shy away from their wild essence remain closed to the transformative power of their inner beauty. Therefore, wildness is a passionate dedication to expressing the innermost self…

BNN Karlsruhe

Karlsruher Fotograf erobert die internationale Modewelt

Mohammad Jafari flüchtete mit neun Jahren aus dem Iran. In Karlsruhe angekommen, musste er sich erst mal zurechtfinden. Heute lebt er seinen Traum. Ein Talent, das keine Grenzen kennt.

Was ist eigentlich ein gutes Foto? „Ein gutes Foto fesselt. Manchmal siehst du etwas und sagst: wow. In mehr Worten lässt sich ein gutes Bild nicht erklären“, sagt Mohammad Jafari, internationaler Foto- und Videograf aus Karlsruhe….

Humble Mohammad Jafari

L’Officiel & Handgefertigter Schmuck

L’Officiel gehört zu den bekanntesten Magazinmarken der Welt, und wir hatten die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit einer Designer-Schmuckmarke auf deren Seite veröffentlicht zu werden

Schmuck ist für viele Frauen nicht nur ein einfacher Accessoire, sondern ein Ausdruck ihrer Persönlichkeit, ihres Stils und ihrer Emotionen. Von funkelnden Diamanten bis hin zu handgefertigtem Kunsthandwerk gibt es für jede Frau den passenden Schmuck, der ihre Einzigartigkeit unterstreicht…



Meine erste Veröffentlichung in einem der luxuriösesten und elegantesten Magazine in London, einschließlich eines Artikels über mich, war der erste Schritt zu meinem Erfolg als Fotograf.

Mohammad Jafari is a widely recognized media designer for images and sound in Europe. Since 2019, he has ventured into self-employment, helping start-up companies become visible through emotional marketing using photography and videography. His journey began at the tender age of nine when he left his homeland Iran alone with the help of a smuggler and fled to Germany…

VOUS Artikel

The Journey of Mohammad Jafari and MODELNEST

Mohammad Jafari is not just a photographer; he is a man with an extraordinary story and a unique mission. His experiences as a refugee child from Tehran and the hardships he overcame along his journey have shaped him into who he is today: an internationally recognized photographer and the founder of MODELNEST – a modeling agency set to revolutionize the fashion industry…

From International Photographer to Founder of a Unique Modeling Agency 


The name Mohammad Jafari is well-known in the world of photography. As an Iranian-born, internationally acclaimed photographer with 15 publications to his name, Jafari has perfected the art of capturing moments. His journey, however, began in a past marked by challenges and adversity. Despite the hardships he faced, Jafari achieved remarkable successes and built an international career from his passion…


L’Officiel & Handgefertigter Schmuck

L’Officiel gehört zu den bekanntesten Magazinmarken der Welt, und wir hatten die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit einer Designer-Schmuckmarke auf deren Seite veröffentlicht zu werden

Schmuck ist für viele Frauen nicht nur ein einfacher Accessoire, sondern ein Ausdruck ihrer Persönlichkeit, ihres Stils und ihrer Emotionen. Von funkelnden Diamanten bis hin zu handgefertigtem Kunsthandwerk gibt es für jede Frau den passenden Schmuck, der ihre Einzigartigkeit unterstreicht…

Humble Mohammad Jafari



Meine erste Veröffentlichung in einem der luxuriösesten und elegantesten Magazine in London, einschließlich eines Artikels über mich, war der erste Schritt zu meinem Erfolg als Fotograf.

Mohammad Jafari is a widely recognized media designer for images and sound in Europe. Since 2019, he has ventured into self-employment, helping start-up companies become visible through emotional marketing using photography and videography. His journey began at the tender age of nine when he left his homeland Iran alone with the help of a smuggler and fled to Germany…

Interview Mohammad jafari

The Art of Rebellion

Das renommierte englische Modemagazin „Rebel“ hat ein Interview mit mir veröffentlicht.

How long have you been a photographer? What pushed you on this path in the beginning?

I have been a photographer since 2015. My journey began with training as a media designer in image and sound at HOFA GmbH in Germany. Initially, I wanted to work there because I made music and wanted to produce songs. However, in the marketing department, my then-boss discovered my talent in photography and entrusted me with leading….

MOB Magazin



Unsere Arbeit wurde in einem der renommiertesten kanadischen Magazine veröffentlicht und in Montreal im Printformat gedruckt.

Life unfolds in its wildness, embodying strength and beauty in every form. It dispels our fear of being our authentic selves, becoming a living example of our true nature. Those who shy away from their wild essence remain closed to the transformative power of their inner beauty. Therefore, wildness is a passionate dedication to expressing the innermost self…

Mohammad jafari erfahrung

Emotions Through the Lens of Mohammad Jafari

In the dynamic world of advertising photography, particularly in the fashion industry, a new rising force has emerged: Mohammad Jafari. With his extraordinary talent and a unique style that merges emotion and luxury, Jafari has quickly made a significant name for himself. His works are not only visual masterpieces but also profound emotional narratives that captivate audiences. Within a year, he has achieved the remarkable feat of having his work published in ten international magazines— an impressive accomplishment in such a competitive field….

artikel Mohammad

Mohammad Jafari, Journey to International Fame


Mohammad Jafari, born in 1991 in Tehran, grew up as the only child in an Iranian family. His early childhood in Iran was deeply influenced by art. His father, a calligrapher, taught him to closely observe the world around him and capture it on paper. However, the political situation in Iran forced the family to flee to Germany in 1999. „My mother and I crossed the border… 

VOUS Artikel

The Journey of Mohammad Jafari and MODELNEST

Mohammad Jafari is not just a photographer; he is a man with an extraordinary story and a unique mission. His experiences as a refugee child from Tehran and the hardships he overcame along his journey have shaped him…


From International Photographer to Founder of a Unique Modeling Agency


The name Mohammad Jafari is well-known in the world of photography. As an Iranian-born, internationally acclaimed photographer with 15 publications to his name, Jafari has perfected the art of capturing moments. His journey, however, began in a past marked by challenges and adversity. Despite the hardships he faced, Jafari achieved remarkable successes and built an international career from his passion…. 

BNN Karlsruhe

Karlsruher Fotograf erobert die internationale Modewelt

Mohammad Jafari flüchtete mit neun Jahren aus dem Iran. In Karlsruhe angekommen, musste er sich erst mal zurechtfinden. Heute lebt er seinen Traum. Ein Talent, das keine Grenzen kennt…

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